How Aikido Helps Me Fall Better – by Niko, 8 yrs old. Student in our Children’s Class

After baseball practice, I was wearing my cleats. At my house, there were some mossy, slippery bricks. As I was walking to knock on the front door, I stepped back and slipped and fell backwards.

I landed in my back fall position and my head was really close to the bricks, because it was a hard fall. I think I could have hurt myself bad if I flopped.

Another time I was walking down the brick stairs and at the second to bottom stair, I tripped and fell forwards and I ended up in a push up position. The fall was so hard that I got a bruise on my forehead because I couldn’t hold myself that quickly. When I stood up and looked at my palms, my hands were bleeding. If I didn’t do that, I think I could have cracked my head.

Aikido helps me make good reflexes for falling and stuff like that.

Niko, 8 yrs. old